I was so excited to work with this beautiful family FULL of girls! I have two sisters, so I love that this is a family of sisters, and all of them have families of sisters. How awesome is that?
So beautiful! Mary Patrice and I went to ELEMENTARY school together! That’s how long we’ve known each other! 🙂
Beautiful family! So adorable!
Too much sassiness for one picture. How fun would it be to grow up with so many girl cousins??
Seriously, it’s too much!
I just love this! Beautiful girls!
I could not possibly love this more!
My favorite part of this image is Dad’s face. You can tell how much he LOVES being the center of attention! 🙂
So gorgeous.
Three sisters!
Two more sisters!
Daddy and his girls. I mean c’mon!
I was so glad to be able to capture this gorgeous family! If you’re interested in booking an extended family session in northwest Indiana, please click here, or click the contact me button at the bottom of this post!